Saturday, January 24, 2009

They Only Met Once

What we found out is that each of us is a bro, and an athlete, and a princess... and an onnagirai, stripper, crossdresser, and... some sort of bear thing? Plus the dude who seems to be an empty shell. I guess that doesn't really answer anything. Sincerely yours,
There's two things I want to point out about Persona 4.

It has the emotional maturity of a John Hughes film. It's pretty obvious in this case because of the similar setting and themes, but we're staring at a bog-standard high school coming of age story; not just standard in its themes but also its structure and presentation. Game designers should be pushing more comfort zone boundaries and offering a deeper analysis, especially in a game like this where the game is going to sell to the same group of people regardless of its content.

However, it has the emotional maturity of a John Hughes film. Standing next to the Porky's standard of the video game world - whether that's the incessant whining of a 15 year old Final Fantasy protagonist, or the precocious and unrealistic maturity of a 16 year old Final Fantasy protagonist - it's a huge leap forward in the same way Hughes's films were. For as little as it pushes, it's much further and harder than its contemporaries. Especially contemporaries in the same genre.


K. M. said...

I should really see more classic John Hughes films, shouldn't I? If I'm really to claim that I'm old enough to feel ways about stuff.

The Suikoden series manages a surprising amount of emotional maturity at times, and I don't think it's a coincidence that they also focus on older characters far more than any other Japenese RPGs that I can think of. I wish some games that don't have enormous casts of characters would give this a shot.

Joe said...

Suikoden also has the advantage it was written by a real writer before it was written by a scenario planner.